To create merger branding for Kisharon and Landgon, which balances both charities’ identities and reflectes their unified mission to support people with learning disabilities and autism.
The challenge:
Taking two charities with strong visual brands and fiercely loyal supporters, and creating a new, merged brand that represents a new, stronger chapter. There were many enthusiastic patrons and board members who we wanted to support the new brand also.
The solution:
As an agency, we experimented with ways we could merge the two charities whilst keeping both of their brand ‘essences’. We kept the teal and orange from the original brands, and I introduced a gradient to visually represent them unifying.
We also developed a new website, ensuring a seamless transition during and after the merger.
Today, we continue to serve as Kisharon Langdon’s outsourced design and digital agency, providing on-going support across brand design, website maintenance, and impactful fundraising campaigns year after year. I am one of their main designers and love seeing the impact our work has on helping those with learning difficulties and autism.